Lead: KU Leuven
Participating: Delft & OCW Consortium
In this work package a demonstrator case will be developed to see how OCW can facilitate educational innovation, in particular in the context of (Virtual) student mobility. KU Leuven is currently involved in an OCW pilot related to the LACE network, funded by K.U.Leuven resources earmarked for innovation.
LACE, Literature And Culture in Europe, is a network of European HEI working towards a joint and double international Master's Degree in the fields of literature and culture. The five universities in LACE (KU.Leuven, Belgium, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, Universidad de Granada, Spain, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark) aspire to, in a first phase, improve the 'internationalization at home' by attracting inbound international students in the master programs at the arts departments of het involved institutions. Besides that, it wants to facilitate the exchange of teachers in all classes, in the form of block seminars.
Within this framework, the LACE partners decided on making "V-Lace" one of their priorities. V-Lace will be the virtual component of LACE through which OER/OCW technologies and social software will be used to stimulate (virtual) teacher and student exchange and mobility. V-Lace is intended for both aimed at courses and apprenticeships.
OCW will play a pivotal role in developing a "core" trunk of courses common to the different master programs in Literature and Cultural studies involved. A first pilot, the course on Film & Literature followed jointly by students in Leuven and Granada, has been published online (
It is our shared view that true OCW goes beyond the sharing of course materials and should encompass the teaching, learning AND stakeholder communities surrounding the course topic.
This is exactly what we will study in this project: how social software can contribute to foster true European collaboration and interaction between students, teachers and stakeholders within the participating universities.
Students and teachers alike will be invited to collaborate on the OCW course materials through the use of social software/media (twitter, facebook, skype, zotero, the Librarything, etc). Extensive questionnaires will be produced to evaluate and benchmark the level of interactivity and student satisfaction. In particular, the relation of these activities to the course content will be studied.
Student virtual mobility handbook
A comprehensive "student virtual mobility handbook" will be produced. The handbook will be publicly and freely available under a Creative Commons license on the project website and disseminated through other sources available to the project team. The target group is all HEI interested in OCW. -
Video materials demonstrating ways of student-teacher interactivity
WG3 will develop video material demonstrating different methods of student-teacher-stakeholder interactivity. The material will be publicly and freely available on the project website and disseminated through other sources available to the project team. The target group is all HEI interested in OCW. -
Presentations during existing conferences on OER/OCW
WG 3 will present its findings during at least two international conferences on OER/OCW. Presentations will focus on how students and teachers alike will profit from the multi-perspective use of the common course materials in their learning. -
WG 3 will organize workshops for consortium partners and the LACE partner institutions to discuss the Handbook and video material and other best practices.