WP 1: Pedagogic and cultural issues: analyzing successful models for or the promotion of virtual mobility through OCW


Lead:  Universidad Politécnica Madrid (UPM)
Participating: Lyon, Delft, Barcelona, Leuven, Creative Commons, OCW Consortium & EADTU


The main objective of this work package is to develop successful scenarios for the promotion of virtual mobility by using OCW in an EU environment. For this we will need to understand the different models that could be used for virtual mobility by using OCW in an EU environment. We will also focus on the identification of new scenarios for the promotion of virtual mobility, and their requirements. We will create guidelines that will facilitate successful implementation of OCW and support Directors of Education in using OCW for virtual mobility.

To this end we will specifically look at best practices atCultural & pedagogical issues on the basis of on-going research activities and our own experiences. More specifically: 

  • The OER-HE project will focus on these issues and produce their final reports in September 2011.  Other relevant reports have been produced by UNESCO, OU-UK and JISC and the Universia partners (see below)
  • Best practices carried out or supported by the consortium-partners:
    • Universia (www.universia.net), cooperationbetween Spain & Latin America on OCW and the reuse of material in different settings as part of a joint degree program.
    • Drinking Water (joint degree program of TU Delft  with a number of Indonesian Universities) on the basis of OCW

In addition members of the OCWC will be asked to identify best practices. The project will organize a brainstorm workshop on this topic during the OCWC conference in London in 2012. During this workshop we will identify different scenarios that will provide a reference point for partners with as diverse range of interests and expertise.

We will look at the best practices  mentioned above from the following perspectives:  

  • The possibility to use OCW in pursuit of a European degree or contribute to continuing professional development.
  • Joint degree programs
  • Doctoral programs
  • Study choice and selection of courses by students

It is apparent that certification and accreditation issues have to be taken into account. WP 2 will focus on this issue.

On the basis of the above mentioned material we will define successful scenarios, existing and new, to provide a clear understanding of the different OCW uses to reach virtual mobility between HEI in the EU.

Scenarios will the baseline to elaborate guidelines for the successful implementation and use of OCW for virtual mobility. These guidelines (and related report) will be presented during the conference Online Educa in Berlin (December 2012) and serve as a basis for the 2 workshop for the Directors of Education in 2013 (see WP 4) 

The guidelines will pay, among other things, attention to:

  • Didactics, learning styles (through meetings between the institutions).
  • Added value of OCW
  • Didactics, learning styles , modular design
  • Linguistic aspects
  • Cultural aspects including the use of technology in different circumstances
  • The production model for OCW materials through a collaborative model that builds communities of teachers and learners (social software).
  • Local adaptation of the material
  • The definition of learning outcomes and competences also  with a view on transnational employability
  • Quality assurance of OCW
  • Actual use: how to support and guide students  
  • Assessment /certification/recognition:  offering credits (ECTS) for student studying through OCW (see also WP 2)
  • Examples
  • Reference to existing technical toolkits

Real scenarios will be selected during the first workshop for the Directors of Education in 2013. Tracking the usefulness and usability of OCW in the described scenarios will give longer-term direction to an European OCW –consortium and demonstrating the impact of an OCW will ensure continued engagement of key European stakeholders. Lessons learned and a review of the guidelines applied will be presented in the second workshop for the Directors of Education in 2013.


  1. Analyses of existing research and best practices
    WG 1 will study and analyze existing research and best practices and draft a report that will serve as the starting point for discussions in workshops. It will be publicly and freely available on the project website.
  2. Use OCW scenarios in EU context
    The outcomes of the analyses (D1.1) will be the starting point of a brainstorming session during the OCWC annual conference in 2012. The conference is open to all HEI institutions. The envisaged outcomes are several scenario’s for the implementation of OCW.
  3. Guidelines and recommendations for successful implementation of OCW
    Based on the analyses and brainstorming session WG 1 will draft guidelines and recommendations for the implementation of OCW in HEI. The draft guidelines will be publicly and freely available on the project website. The final guidelines will be disseminated through the project website and other resources available to the project team. The target group is all HEI interested in OCW.
  4. Presentation of guidelines
    The (draft) guidelines and recommendations (D1.4) will be presented to a broad audience of HEI during the OER/OCW conference Online Educa in Berlin in December 2012. (See also WP 7 on dissemination). The final version of the guidelines will be completed around month 24.
  5. Workshops for Directors of Education
    In the second year of project implementation the WG 1 will organize two dedicated workshops. Participants will be representatives from consortium partners and Directors of Education from invited HEI (See also WP 7 on dissemination). During the first workshop real scenarios will be selected. Lessons learned and a review of the guidelines applied will be presented in the second in 2013.

EU Lifelong Learning Programme
with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union


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