29/30 May 2012 - Stakeholder workshop Leuven


  • Meeting with LACE partners
  • Discussion of KU Leuven OCW membership
  • Scenario’s for Student Mobility through OCW
    • Draft TOC of Handbook
    • Web survey for students that use OCW
    • Opportunities for paper presentations / articles


29 May
10:30 Welcome coffee
11:00 Start meeting; discussion WP3
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Presentation Videolab (Roman Verraest)
14:40 Presentation OER project Leiden University
15:00 Presentation LACE ( Jan Baetens / Domingo Sanchez-Mesa, Granada)
15:30 Presentation OCW – TU Delft
(Willem Van Valckenburg)
(invited: Toledo-team Leuven, Leen Van Rentergem)
16:00 OCW implementation Leuven: technical issues (invited: Toledo-team Leuven, Leen Van Rentergem, Wim Machiels, Peter Ariën)
17:00 closing
19:30 Social dinner

30 May
9:00 Start meeting: Draft TOC Handbook
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Web survey for students
12:00 Opportunities for presentations / articles
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Closing



We found it important to organize an internal workshop on WP3 early on in the project. The workshop activities were streamed online so that project members who were not able to attend physically could nonetheless contribute in the discussions. Moreover, a number of interested external parties were involved: a representative of the VLOER initiative at the Flemish level, someone from University of Granada and the University of Leiden (see the minutes for details).

The workshop opened with presentations of Videolab, Universiteit Leiden, LACE, with an intervention through skype from Granada, and OCW at TU delft.

The discussion after the presentations focused on the approach taken at TU Delft on OCW and how KU Leuven could learn from this for its own OCW project. During the workshop, a draft TOC for the handbook has been setup. There was a discussion on which questions to include in the web survey that will be held by KU Leuven in the first semester to query for existing mobility experiences involving Open Courseware by students.

The workshop attained its stated goals. First of all it enabled to share experiences between institutions that are considering OCW membership or are in the process of implementation like Leuven, Leiden and Granada. This of course aligns with the main goal of the OCW EU project as such. It also led to a draft TOC for the student mobility handbook, in such a way that the collaboration and interaction between WP1, WP2 and WP3 are enhanced as requested by the commission.

The TOC enables the Leuven partner to start develop the Student handbook during the late summer period. Also, the workshop included a technical meeting between representatives of TU Delft and KU Leuven to discuss how KU Leuven could technically setup its OpenCourseWare.

Besides, an interesting discussion was held on the web survey, which will be elaborated during fall. The web survey will be a key element in providing the evidence base for the Student Handbook.

A more detailed report is available.


The recordings of the presentations are also available.


EU Lifelong Learning Programme
with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union


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