- Welcome
- Project
- Background
- Partners
- Deliverables
- Workpackages
- WP 1: Pedagogic and cultural issues: analyzing successful models for or the promotion of virtual mobility through OCW
- WP 2: Models for sustainable cooperation between: legal issues, recognition, promotion, quality control, joint development.
- WP 3: Educational innovation with OCW, in particular in the context of (Virtual) student mobility
- WP 4: Comparing and assessing national policies and governmental roles
- Planning
- Members
- Blog
- Events
- Kick-off 15 and 16 December 2011
- Open Education Week Event in the Netherlands
- 16 April 2012 - Workshop on Scenarios for the promotion of virtual mobility by using OCW
- 29/30 May 2012 - Stakeholder workshop Leuven
- Workshop and Training on Open Content licensing in Europe
- Workshop Guidelines for the Use of OpenCourseWare for Virtual Mobility
- Open Education Week 2013
- Madrid Workshop OpenCourseWare and Student Mobility
- 22 April 2014: Workshop OCWC Global Conference
- Deliverables
- D1.1 Analyses of existing research and best practices
- D1.2 Promoting virtual mobility scenarios through OCW in the EU context
- D1.3 Institutional Guidelines and recommendations for successful implementation of OCW
- D1.4 Presentation of Guidelines
- D1.5 Workshops
- D2.1 Analyses of current practices in Europe
- D2.2 Overview of European copyright legislation and open content licenses
- D2.3 Copyright Guidelines for OpenCourseWare Sites
- D2.4 Workshop and Training on Open Content licensing in Europe
- D3.1 Empowering Student Mobility with OpenCourseWare
- D3.2 Videos
- D3.4 Workshop
- D4.1 Policy Survey
- D4.2 Case studies Open Policies
- D4.3 Support Network and Expert’s Forum
- D4.5 Tools to support policy development
- D5.1 Progress report
- D7.1 Presentations
- D7.3 Create Awareness
- Reports
- Contact