Recording Madrid workshop

On 11th and 12th of June we organised a workshop on OpenCourseWare and virtual mobility.


Welcome message on the first day: by Carlos Conde Lázaro (Rector UPM) and Emilio Mínguez Torres (Vice Rector for Academic Planning and Doctoral Studies) and José Manuel Páez Borrallo (Vice Rector for International Relations)


Introduction to OpenCourseWare Europe

by Willem van Valkenburg (Delft University of Technology)


Erasmus for all: New generation of European Education Programme

by Mar Duque García (Director of Spanish National Agency of European Education Programme)


Presentation of virtual mobility scenarios

by Edmundo Tovar (UPM) and Sophie Touzé (VetAgro, University of Lyon)


Keynote: Networked Curricula

by George Ubachs (EADTU)


Presentation of student mobility videos

by Stephanie Verbeken (KU Leuven)


Presentation of the OCW EU Student Mobility Survey

by Frederik Truyen (KU Leuven)


Virtual mobility

by Mariet Vriens (KU Leuven)


Presentation of the Student Mobility Handbook

by Stephanie Verbeken (KU Leuven)


The LACE Networked Curriculum

By Fred Truyen (KU Leuven)


Discussion on the survey with participants/student representatives


Panel discussion about the virtual mobility scenarios

moderated by Mary Lou Forward (executive director OpenCourseWare Consortium)

  • Alvaro Escribano (Telefonica-UC3M Chair of Economics of Telecommunications and Vice-Chancellor or International Relations of the University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M))
  • Miguel Angel Muñoz (Deputy General Director for European Affairs, Madrid's Regional Government)



EU Lifelong Learning Programme
with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union


Creative Commons License OpenCourseWare Europe website by OpenCourseWare Europe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.