Title: OpenCourseWare in the European Higher Education Context - progress report
How to make use of its full potential for virtual mobility
Date: 12 October 2012
Summary: Although Open Educational Resources (OER) and more specifically OpenCourseWare (OCW) are on the political agenda of the European Union (EU) and of many national governments, and are supported by many stakeholders in the educational sphere, their use in higher education has not yet reached a critical threshold. Even when OER/OCW are implemented, focus remains on building more access to digital content and too little consideration is given to whether and how they could support student virtual mobility. Many higher education institutions (HEI) in Europe do not yet participate in the OCW movement and not all students are aware of OCW and its possibilities. Recognition of OCW, as an element of virtual mobility, is still at an early stage and business models and supportive role of governments need further elaborations. Finally, cultural differences and different teaching styles can be an obstacle to different users of OCW/OER.