Through this project we have developed a support network of OER practitioners in Europe. We are able to refer universities beginning their consideration of OER to those who are most practiced in the field.
Open Education Professional Network
We are in the process of formalizing this network through creating an online Professional Directory where people can ask questions and seek help to understand issues in open education and how to proceed with projects. Searchable Directory will be available in August 2014 on the Open Education Consortium website here.
Open Policy Network
Furthermore, Creative Commons, in partnership with numerous organizations around the world launched Open Policy Network in May 2014. The mission of the Open Policy Network is to foster the creation, adoption and implementation of open policies and practices that advance the public good by supporting open policy advocates, organizations and policy makers, connecting open policy opportunities with assistance, and sharing open policy information. People can request support/assistance on issues related to creating, adopting or implementing open policies here.