Title: Minutes Internal Stakeholders Meeting - Leuven
Date: 29-30 May 2012
Summary: The workshop attained its stated goals. First of all it enabled to share experiences between institutions that are considering OCW membership or are in the process of implementation like Leuven, Leiden and Granada. This of course aligns with the main goal of the OCW EU project as such. It also led to a draft TOC for the student mobility handbook, in such a way that the collaboration and interaction between WP1, WP2 and WP3 are enhanced as requested by the commission. The TOC will enable the Leuven partner to start develop the Student handbook during the late summer period. Also, the workshop included a technical meeting between representatives of TU Delft and KU Leuven to discuss how KU Leuven could technically setup its Open courseware. Besides, an interesting discussion was held on the websurvey, which will be elaborated during fall. The websurvey will be a key element in providing the evidence base for the Student Handbook.