Title: Workshop on Scenarios for the promotion of virtual mobility by using OCW
Location: OCWC Global Conference 2012 in Cambridge, UK
Author: Edmundo Tovar
Date: 16 April 2012
Summary: This workshop aims at developing successful scenarios for the promotion of virtual mobility by using OCW in an EU environment. To this effect we would like to understand different uses of OER in Higher Education.
This workshop has been planned as part of the project “OpenCourseWare (OCW) in the European HE context” “carried out with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. The focus of the project is the creation of preconditions for a strong European/OCW framework and as consequence a decline of obstacles between European institutes, and therefore an increase in real student mobility. A stronger framework, we believe, will mean closer cooperation between European institutes, which may result in mutual use of materials- Materials will enhance quality and increase the usage of online courses, therefore facilitating virtual student mobility and an increase in real student mobility. On top of that, an improved European/OCW network will improve conditions for Lifelong Learners, an important user group of OCW/OER.
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Title: Guidelines for the Use of OpenCourseWare for Virtual Mobility
Location: Online Educa Berlin 2012 Conference in Berlin, Germany
Author: Edmundo Tovar
Date: 28 November 2012
Summary: The objective of this seminar was to present and discuss with the participants a first version of guidelines for the successful implementation and use of OCW for virtual mobility. Scenarios, narratives describing what people do when engaged in particular activities, have been the baseline to elaborate these guidelines. Successful scenarios, existing and new, were previously defined for the implementation of OCW in order to provide a clear understanding of the different OCW uses to reach virtual mobility between HEI in the EU. These scenarios are based on a previous analysis of existing research and best practices and a brainstorming session with experts in the field.
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Title: OpenCourseWare and Student Mobility: Benefits, Scenarios and Guidelines for Higher Education Institutions, Teachers and Students
Location: Madrid, Spain
Author: Edmundo Tovar, Sophie Touzé, Fred Truyen & Stephanie Verbeken
Date: 10 June 2013
Summary: The main goal of this two-day event was to showcase and discuss scenarios and guidelines with regard to
how OpenCourseWare (OCW) can facilitate student virtual mobility in the European Higher Education