D1.1 Analyses of existing research and best practices

Title: Analyses of existing research and best practices
Authors: Edmundo Tovar, Eva Sancho Zamora
Date: 08 October 2012
Summary: This report presents a study of experiences of the use of open educational resources (OER) that was based on a questionnaire completed by leaders of OER initiatives in countries all over the world. The results were obtained by analysing the cases studied. This activity is described within the framework ‘Mobility Strategies and removal of barriers to mobility in HE’, or more specifically within the work package 'WP1-Pedagogic and cultural issues: analysing successful modes for or the promotion of virtual mobility through OCW, including best practices’. The main objective of this work package is to develop successful scenarios for the promotion of virtual mobility by using OCW in an EU environment. To achieve this, we need to understand the various models that could be used for virtual mobility by using OCW in an EU environment. We will also focus on identifying new scenarios for the promotion of virtual mobility, and their requirements. We will create guidelines to facilitate the successful implementation of OCW and to support directors of education in using OCW for virtual mobility. The results of this project will give traditional universities easy access to knowledge, experience, tools and models related to OCW. This will make it easier for them to make the decision to publish their educational materials on the web. Thus all lifelong learners in Europe will gain more access to higher education as well as the opportunity to study whatever they want. Students will be able to orientate themselves towards their studies before they actually start studying; this will allow them to make more motivated choices, which will increase study success.

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EU Lifelong Learning Programme
with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union


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