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Paper accepted at ECEL2013 (France)
Posted on zaterdag 27 april 2013; comments

Stephanie Verbeken and Fred Truyen have got a paper accepted at the ECEL13 conference, 30-31 October, Sophia Antipolis, France. They will talk about OCW KU Leuven there, more specifically about the issues they are resolving when trying to publicize the Open Course of Pentalfa.

Invitation to join ICORE
Posted on vrijdag 26 april 2013; comments

Join ICORE - the International Council for Open Research and Education.

The main objective of ICORE is to promote Open Research and Open Education and to network and bring together the interested experts and stakeholders from both worlds to join forces: Open Research and Open Education can benefit mutually from each other and achieve more impact together through one voice!

Press release announcing the first pan-European MOOCs initiative
Posted on vrijdag 26 april 2013; comments

Partners in 11 countries have joined forces to launch the first pan-European 'MOOCs' (Massive Open Online Courses) initiative, with the support of the European Commission. MOOCs are online university courses which enable people to access quality education without having to leave their homes. Around 40 courses, covering a wide variety of subjects, will be available free of charge and in 12 different languages.

Call for proposals - Open Education Conference 2013
Posted on vrijdag 26 april 2013; comments

The Open Education Conference 2013 is now accepting proposals! The Call for Proposals is open through Friday May 3, 2013. All proposals should fit into one of the conference strands:

VI International Guide Conference
Posted on vrijdag 15 maart 2013; comments


The Global Economic Crisis and its consequences on the national educational systems - 
Can online education contribute to overcome the crisis?


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