Posted on 15/03/13

Open Educational Resources (OER) and Practices (OEP) have recently become hot topics, not only for educational researchers, but also for policy makers in Europe and abroad. There is a general agreement that openness has the potential to widen access to education and to improve, amongst others, cost-efficiency and quality of teaching and learning. In its recent Communication on Rethinking Education, the European Commission announced a new initiative on “Opening-up Education” to be launched mid-2013.
The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) –part of the Joint Research Center of the European commission – in a study for DG EAC– is now calling upon experts and practitioners to come up with visionary papers and imaginative scenarios on how Open Education in 2030 in Europe might look with a major focus on Open Educational Resources and Practices, in each of the following education sectors:
(a) Lifelong Learning (Submission deadline: 31 March 2013)
(b) School Education (Submission deadline: 28 April 2013)
(c) Higher Education (Submission deadline: 7 May 2013)