Here a list of media coverages we got around the event. If you have additions, please send us a mail.
- Press release TU Delft: ‘Open Education can’t be stopped’
- Press release SURF: Open leermaterialen centraal in wereldwijde Open Education Week (in Dutch)
- Newsletter SURF: Open Education Week (in Dutch)
- TU Nieuws: Open Education event on 7 March in the Aula
- Scienceguide: Open Education Week in Nederland (in Dutch)
- “Open Education is niet te stoppen” (in Dutch)
- 'Open Education is niet te stoppen' (in Dutch)
- AD / Delft: Zijlstra en Kroes op TU (in Dutch)
- “Open Education is niet te stoppen” – TU Delft 7 maart 2012( LIVEstream) (in Dutch)
- Times Higher Education: Open-ended answers for questions of demand in cash-strapped Europe
- Article on Surfspace: Terugblik Open Education Event (in Dutch)
- Article from Anka Mulder on European Voice: Welcome Online Courses
- Article on Beleidsmakers bijeen in Delft voor Open Education Week
- Article on Een plus, niet een gevaar (in Dutch)
- Open Universiteit News: Staatssecretaris Zijlstra roemt voortrekkersrol van de OU (in Dutch)
- Article in New York Times and International Herald Tribune: Open Resources: Transforming the Way Knowledge Is Spread
- on February 16: Open Education Week event in Delft
- OpenCourseWare weblog on February 16: Open Education Week event in Delft
- on February 22: Open Education Week (in Dutch)
- R. Snijders on February 23: Open leermaterialen en open education
- on February 24 : Open Education Week in Nederland (in Dutch)
- ICTO Blog on March 2: Open Education Week Event 5-12 maart 2012 (in Dutch)
- on March 4: Open Education Week 2012 starts tomorrow
- Wikiwijs on March 5: Wikiwijs zichtbaar tijdens de Open Education Week
- OpenCourseWare blog on March 5: Open Education Week starts Today!
- Flexible Learning @ DSV on March 7: IDEAL @ Open education week, Delft, NL
- on March 8: Open Education Week Event in Delft a big success
- Anka Mulder on March 8: EU Open Education Week Event Delft big success